martes, 20 de octubre de 2015


The Leftovers - Damon Lindelof, Tom Perrotta - United States

'The Leftovers', the american not american TV Show created by Damon Lindelof (the creator of Lost) and Tom Perrotta, started since 29 June 2014 on HBO. In the first season they gave us a new kind of show that is not in Hollywood's style, it is nothing like 'Lost' was. The episodes are slow and event-less but the heaviness of the feelings and the emotions were there, by the realization and the magnificent acting of the talented cast. You have to hang-on till the three first episodes so you will see some 'action' and it's comprehensible. Imagine yourself in this kind of world and reality, a world where you lose what you believe in and where 'The World Ended' in some way. How to survive? How to continue this insignificant life?! Everyone has lost something or someone in his life and had felt that feeling that the world ended and it really did, because nothing is like it was before. You find yourself in an alternate world and you change to something else that it is not you in the start. It digs holes in your soul and changes your future. In 'The Leftovers' the world changed when 2 % of the human population world wide disappeared, they call it 'the departure'. The departure to where? No one knows. The series focus on the inhabitants of a little town named Mapleton that will be confronted to this question because many of the neighbors, friends, lovers, kids vanished on the 14th October of 2011. Three years later, life gets back somehow to the tracks, but nothing is like before. With the approach of the date of the third commemoration tensions could be sensed and the sheriff Kevin Garvey (Justin Theroux) is on high alert: hazardous prepare clashes between the population and a small group of mysterious claims, comparable to a cult. This was the first season and it was an emotionally intense experience for me when I watched it. So many feelings where awaken and the finale was sublime. The season two started few weeks ago and it was a huge surprise for all the watchers, it's a different, a completely different show that we have and you can see that just by the comparison of the opening credits. You can see for yourself, the first season it's dark and mysterious the second is 'joyful'. In the second season we will be transported to a new town where no one has vanished... The 'Miracle' Town! We are dragged in a new universe where the opening scene is a never like seen before on TV. -- Am I watching a festival's award winning movie -- That's what my mind kept saying, we have three episodes now in the new season and we didn't moved a bit in the chronological point of view of the story-line but we made a huge advance in the characters and in the mystery of the show. This season seems to offer us more than we expect and it is beautifully presented in an magnificent artistic way; music, directing, acting and so on. So if you are not watching this beauty, you are missing out people.

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